Qurbani 2015

Commemorating the Sunnah of Prophet Ibrahim alihi salam and Prophet Muhammad Sallalahu alihi wasallam, like previous years, this year also Habib Foundation collaborated with Mahad al-Faqir al-Islami to organize collective qurbani (sacrifice) at the occasion of Eid ul Azha. Over the three days of Eid, Habib Foundation organised the slaughter of over 160 sacrificial animals, which included cows, goats as well as camels.

The meat was efficiently distributed amongst the poor and needy in nearby communities. Some of the meat has also been stored in a purpose-built cold storage, located within Habib Foundation’s premises, and will cater to the dietary requirements of the students of Mahad al-Faqir al-Islami Jhang over the coming months.

May Allah Ta’ala accept the qurbani of all those who participated and contributed to this noble cause. Aameen.